Participating in the Rūnā Education Program

Take a look at some of the photos from our day immersed in the Rūnā Education Program.  We had a great time learning, exploring, investigating, wondering, questioning, and building our knowledge about the importance of sustainability in our ocean.

  • What was your favourite part of our trip?
  • What was something new that you learned?
  • What is something you think is really important that you would want to share with other people about sustainability?
  • What would you like to learn more about?

Write your responses in the comments.

If you are from outside of Team Kererū and Glen Taylor School please feel free to share your ideas on the importance of sustainability and how we can take care of our ocean.

We look forward to reading your comments.

Our Walk Up Mt Taurere

On Thursday Team Kererū walked up Mt Taurere.   We had so much fun.  We took some time to enjoy the view and sketch what we could see.  We then used boxes to slide down the side of the mountain, trying our best to avoid all the cow poop!

My favourite part of the day was seeing all the smiles and laughter as the Team Kererű learners tried to slide down the hills.  Have a look through the photos and let me know what was your favourite part of our trip to Mt Taurere.  Share in the comments below.