Excitedly Exploring Our Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu Team Blogs

Today with the guidance of Mr Goodwin we visited the two Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu class blogs that we will be reading, and commenting on for the remainder of the year.

The first school blog we looked at was Room 9 from Glen Innes School.  We liked the Easter weekend story on Room 9’s Blog, It was really funny.

Next we visited Room 15 from Levin North  School.

We really liked the book chain idea that Room 15 shared.  Many of the books that they reviewed were some of our favourites too. It has inspired us to create our own.  We were curious as to where Levin was as many of us had never heard of Levin before so we used Google maps to see how far away it was.  We learned that it is 6 hours and 38 minutes away from our school.

We are hoping that maybe we can organise a Google Meet with the classes we are blogging with so we can see the learners who are on their class blogs, and maybe ask them some questions to get to know them better.

We are looking forward to reading more posts on Room 9 and Room 15 blogs, and having them comment on our own classroom adventures that we share on our blog too.