As part of our ANZAC learning we got to make ANZAC biscuits in maths! Who knew baking was considered maths? We are learning about different forms of measurement, using cups, grams, tablespoons, and teaspoons. Because there are 25 of us in our maths group we had to double our mixture, so we had to do lots of working out..
Did you know that ANZAC biscuits were sent to soldiers from their wives during the war? They lasted a long time and tasted delicious. We followed the recipe from Twinkl but there are lots of different variations. We would like to make them again but with chocolate chips…YUM!
Above are the ingredients we used, Rolled oats, Coconut, sugar, butter, golden syrup, baking soda, and hot water. Once you roll them into balls you squish them down with a fork but not too hard. We then baked them for about 15 – 20 minutes, they smelled so delicious when they were cooking, and became golden and crunchy, mmmmm. They were so good that even Alan the dog wanted to try one. Sorry Alan, not this time!
Do you like ANZAC biscuits? Have you made your own before? Do you have any variations to the recipe? We would love to hear. Please comment below. We look forward to your responses