A Special Goodbye To A Good Friend

Last Thursday we said goodbye to our friend Jaxsyn.  It was an emotional day as we performed our favourite waiata and did the haka.  We hope he makes good friends at his new school and will visit us later in the year.

How do you say goodbye to a special friend?

Have you had a haka done for you before?
How did you feel?

Please share your comments with us.

Cybersmart with Mrs Tofa

We learnt about internet permanence with Mrs Tofa today. As a class, we read What is internet permanence? which is a document that teaches us about what internet permanence is.

We then brainstormed our understanding as a class. Here are our thoughts about what internet permanence is:

  • what you post can stay online forever
  • be cybersmart, before you post think
  • think of others when you are commenting on their posts
  • be kind
  • your posts can have consequences for your future

We then used some slogans provided by Mrs Tofa to create posters promoting being cybersmart and thinking about internet permanence.

Here is Antonia’s poster

Celebration of our Awesome ANZAC Learning

Last Friday Team Kererū decided to celebrate our finished inquiry about World War and the ANZAC soldiers with an afternoon of sharing.  With the help of Whaea Nicki, we set up the school hall got into groups, participated in quizzes,  had a mini feast, and shared our writing.  We started our feast standing in silence and listening to the ‘Last Post’ as we gave thanks to the soldiers that fought and those that had sacrificed their lives. Our feast consisted of some of the foods that the soldiers ate during the war.  We had ANZAC cookies (which we learned how to make in maths), bread with jam, and cups of tea – which many of us had never tried before.  After we ate, we showed confidence in standing in front of our team and reading the stories we had written about the war.  Some of us shared information we had learned and some of us shared letters we had written as though we were the soldiers in the war.  It was quite an emotional afternoon thinking about what it would have been like to be in the war, being scared that you may never return to your family but also proud because you were fighting for your country.

e596c70e-7263-4bbd-aed8-ef70e2b3732c  – Listening to the ‘Last Post

. The Awesome Team that helped make our kai for our special sharing session.


We would love to hear what other students learned about the War and what interesting facts you may have learned too.

Please share in the comments below.

Who knew maths could be so delicious?

As part of our ANZAC learning we got to make ANZAC biscuits in maths!  Who knew baking was considered maths?  We are learning about different forms of measurement, using cups, grams, tablespoons, and teaspoons.  Because there are 25 of us in our maths group we had to double our mixture, so we had to do lots of working out..

Did you know that ANZAC biscuits were sent to soldiers from their wives during the war?  They lasted a long time and tasted delicious.  We followed the recipe from Twinkl but there are lots of different variations.  We would like to make them again but with chocolate chips…YUM!

Above are the ingredients we used, Rolled oats, Coconut, sugar, butter, golden syrup, baking soda, and hot water.  Once you roll them into balls you squish them down with a fork but not too hard.  We then baked them for about 15 – 20 minutes, they smelled so delicious when they were cooking, and became golden and crunchy, mmmmm.  They were so good that even Alan the dog wanted to try one.  Sorry Alan, not this time!


Do you like ANZAC biscuits?  Have you made your own before?  Do you have any variations to the recipe?  We would love to hear.  Please comment below.  We look forward to your responses

Excitedly Exploring Our Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu Team Blogs

Today with the guidance of Mr Goodwin we visited the two Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu class blogs that we will be reading, and commenting on for the remainder of the year.

The first school blog we looked at was Room 9 from Glen Innes School.  We liked the Easter weekend story on Room 9’s Blog, It was really funny.

Next we visited Room 15 from Levin North  School.

We really liked the book chain idea that Room 15 shared.  Many of the books that they reviewed were some of our favourites too. It has inspired us to create our own.  We were curious as to where Levin was as many of us had never heard of Levin before so we used Google maps to see how far away it was.  We learned that it is 6 hours and 38 minutes away from our school.

We are hoping that maybe we can organise a Google Meet with the classes we are blogging with so we can see the learners who are on their class blogs, and maybe ask them some questions to get to know them better.

We are looking forward to reading more posts on Room 9 and Room 15 blogs, and having them comment on our own classroom adventures that we share on our blog too.

Glen Taylor School Powhiri

Kia ora Whanaū.

On Thursday the 14th March Glen Taylor School had a powhiri.  First, we welcomed the Maruhiri (visitors) with a Karanga (welcome call).   The tangata whenua did a haka powhiri.  After the haka powhiri, we heard the whaikõrero.  Then we sang our school waiata.  Finally we we went back to class and had kai.

  • Written collaboratively by Ms Karl’s Literacy group.

Ms Karl’s literacy group wanted to know…

  • have you been to a powhiri before?
  • How did you feel?

Some of us felt nervous and scared at first but then we felt proud and excited to have been a part of it.

Share your feelings about the powhiri in the comments below.  We look forward to reading about your experience.

Participating in the Rūnā Education Program

Take a look at some of the photos from our day immersed in the Rūnā Education Program.  We had a great time learning, exploring, investigating, wondering, questioning, and building our knowledge about the importance of sustainability in our ocean.

  • What was your favourite part of our trip?
  • What was something new that you learned?
  • What is something you think is really important that you would want to share with other people about sustainability?
  • What would you like to learn more about?

Write your responses in the comments.

If you are from outside of Team Kererū and Glen Taylor School please feel free to share your ideas on the importance of sustainability and how we can take care of our ocean.

We look forward to reading your comments.

Climbing Mountains

Kia ora Room 4 and whanaū.

This week we are hoping to climb up Mt Taurere to do a variety of different fun activities.  Fingers crossed that the weather gets better.  Matua Atama and I were wondering…

  • Have you ever climbed up Mt Taurere?
  • If yes, how was your experience?
  • Have you climbed up another mountain before?
  • What did you do on the mountain?
  • Would you do it again?
  • What would you like to do when we climb up Mt Taurere later this week?

Please reply to the questions in the comments below:

We look forward to your response.